Pension Scheme And Property Investment

Pension schemes and tax relief A pension is one of the most tax-efficient ways of saving for retirement.  Pension schemes that are registered with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) can qualify for tax relief on: Pension contributions Investment income and gains Some lump sums paid from the scheme Contributions When you make a payment into …

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Accounting Records & Software

Why? Accounting records are necessary to control a business, monitor cash flow and to record income and expenditure. It is also a requirement of HMRC and Company Law for companies to keep adequate books and records. The definition of adequate will depend upon the nature of the business, for example, a start – up will …

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This is an introduction to a series of blogs about business structures, taxation and accounting with an underlying theme of looking at the implications of employing people.  This is quite a large subject area as there is no one correct answer to the issues faced, it depends on your circumstances, and we can only really …

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